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A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Radial Habit-Tracking Chart in Excel By Edit Gyenge | Jan 25, 2025 A fresh start—whether it’s a new year or just a new chapter in life—is the perfect time to build better habits. Maybe you want to exercise more, drink enough water, or finally get into the habit of...
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope you’ve found something valuable. If you’ve enjoyed the article and wish to see more, feel free to follow me on social media or subscribe to my newsletter for updates. Linkedin Instagram Behance Twitter Check out some of my latest projects
Five Superpowers to Give Your Readers as a Data Visualization Designer By Edit Gyenge Nov 25, 2023 In our fast-moving digital world, flooded with data at every turn, the art of data visualization has become increasingly crucial. But here’s something to think about: before you jump into the sea of available tools for your next...